Sunday Confessions: January 5, 2020

I Confess: 
I haven't been feeling well lately. It's been a whole thing, and I will be posting more about it. But it's basically affecting my entire existence at this point and I just want to feel better!

I Confess:
I'm actually posting this from my phone, so if it looks weird on your computer, that's probably why and I'll fix it later.

I Confess: 
I have a procedure tomorrow and I'm kind of looking forward to it - only because I want answers. The thing is, that other part of me is terrified that this procedure won't help or bring anything to light and it'll just be more fucking tests. So I'm hopeful but pessimistic at the same ti


  1. I'm so sorry life has been bleh for you :( Hoping you can catch a break soon!

    1. Thanks. I feel like things will be improving. They already are, just kinda slowly. I'll get there. In the meantime, humor. :)


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