Sunday Confessions: August 23, 2020


I Confess:
I almost did this post last night (Saturday), but I was super tired and had to work early this morning, so I said 'fuck it; I'll do it after work tomorrow.' And here we are.
I Confess: 
I kind of want to make an autumnal Sunday Confessions Banner, because my heart belongs to fall, but I am also very aware that my banners are a little out of control. *Eh, shrug.*
I Confess:
So a person came to our door, and it turned out to be a person running for something in Michigan. I do not want to throw this person under the bus by giving a name. But Person did respect the 6-foot distance.
Anyway, Person talked to us about their values and what their goals are. I asked a couple questions, and then I asked "What do you think of Donald Trump?" And Person took a deep breath (poised for a diplomatic answer) and said "I'm not a fan. I don't like X, Y, and Z." And mentioned a few other things. I was like "Yeah, I wish he'd choke on a poisoned jelly bean. He might actually be the Anti-Christ." And Person nodded and (with all sincerity), was like "Yeah, well. He could be." 
And I was like LOL Yup.

I Confes: 
In an effort to help my hair, I have been rotating several different shampoos & conditioners to find a mostly ideal combination for everyday use. Apparently this has not gone unnoticed, as Shawn has been quite confused, asking, "What is going on with the conditioners situation? Why do you have three different shampoos?" 

*Not actually stating that Trump is the Anti-Christ,
merely that he could be.

1 comment

  1. November 3 is going to be tense I feel, because no matter win or lose for Trump, it's going to be a disaster. If he loses, will he leave in a professional and NORMAL way? No. If he wins, will there be massive protests that turn crazy and violent? Most likely yes.

    With various shampoos and conditioners I honestly cannot tell the difference from one to the next. Maybe I'm just not that in tune with my hair. Which is a huge possibility considering how terrible it looks most of the time.


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