2024 Goals

1.) New Glasses For Shawn:
Pretty basic. He has run his old ones through the ringer; full of stress fractures and scratches to the point where he basically can't wear them anymore.

2.) Get 'The' Nose Job:
The actual procedure is called Radiofrequency Turbinate Ablation. A brilliant local ENT will be doing the procedure, which a minimally invasive office thing.


The goal is to help my asthma and overall breathing, as well improve use/function of my CPAP machine. Dr. S. was like "That ride one is pretty big. It's normal to see a bit of a size difference between the two sides, but it's rare you see a difference this big."

3.) Pay Off Some Medical Bills:
I feel like this is self-explanatory.

4.) Be More Productive on my Social Medias:
This is more of the same, it's kind of an every year thing, like clockwork. 
Specifically -
❖ I have tried some beauty products and not made a video or even a mini StAB review. 
❖ I have watched plenty of movies and either never bothered to review, or started a review and never got around to finishing it. 
❖ I have tried some new foods but have not made a single Let's Eat! video demonstrating them.
❖ I also would like to have some more coherence to my State of the Body vids. I definitely get to disorganized rambling A LOT and in editing my last video, I was like "Can you say any word other than "Um?" I also feel like I look away from the camera too much. The only reason that video made it through was because I didn't feel like making it again. 
So I guess that's going to call for me to maybe make a bullet-point topic cheat sheet so I stay somewhat focused. I would also like to post a little more frequently on this subject. Maybe more frequent, but shorter videos. I have a list of topics I'd like to address that aren't just straight updates. Would anyone be interested? (Let's be honest, I'll probably do it regardless.)

I have considered doing Film Friday reviews by video, but I'm not sure if you would like that. Some of the reason I have considered this is because some of the reviews I abandoned would have come across better in verbal format. The one video Film Friday I did do years ago was just terrible on multiple levels. 
I am also going to post this question probably in an actual video. I'd definitely appreciate any feedback.

5.) Speak (Be) Kinder to Myself:
I have a habit of being pretty terrible to myself, especially when I'm struggling, which seems to be all the time now.

I can have a self-deprecating sense of humor. But one day at work, my inner monologue was running it's venomous mouth; I stopped and realized - if I were to witness anyone treating another person the way I talk to myself, I would be horrified. Because in literally any other situation, my own self-talk would be abuse. Not like "That's not nice."

Literal fucking abuse. 

Well, those are the big 5. I have more - some smaller, some more complex, some that are dreams and some that are definitely tangible. I find I sometimes want to do a seasonal or other holiday/event relates goals list, so I decided here to focus on The Big 5. 

Also, note I avoided the word "resolution." To me, resolution has a connotation that leans toward perfection and completion. That absolutely does not work for me. Goals, I feel, is more indicative of progress, continuing in working toward something, and when you achieve that, you continue as well as build on it. 

Do you have any goals for 2024? 

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