Sunday Confessions: February 2, 2020

I Confess:
Guys. It's happened. I started using Rogaine. 

I Confess: 
Okay, when did it become impossible for me to get a Sunday Confessions post out on actual Sunday? I mean, yes, I worked yesterday - but planning. Come on! I will try harder. 

I Confess:
I got the results of my home sleep study and I was weirdly thrilled to learn that I do have quite the sleep apnea. (I guess that means I'm not just lazy. I mean, I AM lazy, but some of that can be attributed to being exhausted all the time.) Just waiting to hear from the Medical Equipment company regarding the insurance approval for a CPAP machine.


  1. Is it a side effect of any medications you are taking? Or just getting older? I know my hair is MUCH thinner than it was back in high school. I regret all the straightening, bleaching, and general abuse.

    Yay for figuring out your sleep issues! But boo that it's sleep apnea. But yay then you can try to fix it!

    1. I think it's a combination of 3 things:
      1.) The biggest culprit: PCOS (medical condition that causes hormones to be out of whack).
      2.) Some antidepressants and PPIs have the reported side effect of thinning hair with long-term use (on user review sites and stuff), even though it is not listed as an official side effect and most doctors are like "yeah, no, that's not a thing." But the people taking the medication say it can be, so...
      3.) Just getting older. Boo.

      The CPAP machine has changed my life.


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