Sunday Confessions: April 5, 2020

I Confess: 
I often feel inferior when I visit other people's blogs. Not my best blogger friends' blogs, because I am at that point where I know that's just their style and they (probably) appreciate my unique style as I appreciate theirs. But like...bigger blogs. Popular blogs. You know, the popular girls? I see these clean layouts and wish I was better at...well, everything. It's basically like high school. I'm trying to fix this. Because I know every time I try to be more all white/smooth lines/sans serif - it just doesn't feel right to me. That's not who I am. 
I am serif. 

I Confess:
In the midst of the pandemic, my little video clips of Resident Evil movies I have posted on YouTube (Not monetized, of course - just for funsies to go along with my reviews of the movies.) have received more views, likes, and comments in the past two weeks than in the entire time they've been up. 

I Confess:
More on this to come, but the upshot is that I have been off work since the 17th due to being high risk. (Also I was sick for two weeks - again, more to come.) But a part of me still feels like....go back. You probably won't catch anything. You need the income. Two sides of my brain at war.


  1. I like your blog, it's more vintage than these sleek magazine looking ones. Plus all the "bigger" blogger seem so samesies to me! And because they have to be suitable for their sponsors, they can't be as real with what they share/write.

    1. I never thought about it that way - thank you! And I guess it's true; you really do start to see the same types of posts and pictures and stuff on the big glossy blogs. We're the "late night" blogs, ha. :D

  2. I like your blog. It's authentic. I like the popular, money-makers too, but for really different reasons. I treat those ones like a magazine, or a catalogue more than a blog. I like smaller blogs because you get to engage with the writers more and build a relationship.

    As for working... I'm high risk too, but I can work from home. Its a tough decision to have to choose between your health and your job. I don't envy the decisions you must have to make-- I empathize though.

    Stephanie (

    1. Thank you SO MUCH for your comments. I too read through glossy blogs with a bit of that magazine feel. See the reviews on make-up or whatever. I went over to your blog and followed on bloglovin'. I am eager to read through! Thank you so much again for stopping by and commenting.


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