Damn It's Good To Be a Dingus

I have multiple accounts on google. I was switching to make the one with the Umbrella Logo my primary.

And then I have my other account, which is my "original" account associated with Google/YouTube/this blog. The only reason I still have this account on google is because of YouTube. I have found no way to go into my YouTube channel (the one where I post my videos) and change the email account associated with it. Like, I don't want to change the username or the videos or the channel. I just want to use a different email. But no. It's like signing your damn kidneys away. Perhaps there is a way to do that. I don't know. (If you know of a way, I am open to suggestions.)

So. Any YouTube notifications I get go to the email/google account associated with the image below. So I am often signed into google with this email account:*

I use both accounts for google, and bounce back and forth quite easily - when I'm paying attention.
So. Yeah. I was looking at comments under the comment tab on blogger (usually I'll just end up clicking on the last post to check for new comments), and derp. Wouldn't you know, there are a whole bunch of unanswered comments on older posts. And they went to whichever email I wasn't paying attention to.

If you have commented on this blog and I haven't responded - it's not because I'm an asshole. (Although recently that has come up for debate. Story for another time.) It's because I'm a damn dingus who doesn't think to pay attention to whatever account I'm using at any given time and just la la la posts and comments all willy-nilly. 
Sorry about that, guys!
Have any of you done anything like that? 

gif via Ryan George
gif via Pitch Meeting


  1. So you have multiple gmail accounts? Is that what i'm understanding? i found this:,It's%20easy!,import%20%3E%20Add%20another%20email%20address.&text=Go%20to%20Settings%20%3E%20Account%20and,you%20merge%20your%20Gmail%20accounts. but i didn't read it to see how you do it, but it says it easy...

    1. Thank you! And yes, I have multiple gmail and multiple google accounts. I don't know what I'm doing anymore.

    2. Also, I looked up the link you sent (thank you!)and I don't think that's exactly what I want, but it has led me in the right direction. :)

  2. You are so right the gmail/youtube connection is random/weird. I feel like I'm the only weirdo who misses Google+, I used to get a lot of blog traffic from it.

    1. HA HA HA HA I do agree you might be the only one who misses Google+. I am trying to be a little more "proactive" about sharing links to my blog, but without being annoyingly self-promoting.


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