Dr. Burners?

I have been working on updating my personal care regimen.
One of the things I've been looking at is switching to a natural soap.
In my body soap, I would like to have something that is gentle/calming. Something that isn't drying, but does have antibacterial properties. (Under boob sweat is a struggle, yo.)

So I went to the local natural store and picked up Dr. Bronner's Eucalyptus bar.

I love the smell of eucalyptus, and in general have never had a problem with eucalyptus based products before. I figured it would be fairly deep cleaning, with a fresh scent.

The scent was lovely. The lather was thick and creamy, but rinsed off thoroughly with ease.
Everything was great.

Until I dried off.
My skin felt a bit...tingly.
No bother. A little tingle is no issue.
The tingle kept growing. Admittedly, it was worse in areas of my skin where I already suffer from sensitivity issues.
I relaxed and ignored it for a while. My skin was not reddening,
But the tingle was turning into more of a "did I wash with bleach?" feeling.
After 20 minutes, I ended up back in the shower. I stood under cool water, thoroughly rinsing any lingering traces from my skin.

I dried off and the tingle had pretty much gone, but my skin was SUPER ITCHY (even more than normal), for two days.

I bounced around the internet and eventually fell upon Lisa Bronner's web page. And even within there, I had to search "eucalyptus" before I could find even one thing that talked about the soap. And she was like "eucalyptus is a drying agent" (which admittedly I should have known), and then talked about the best time of year to use it was in the heat of summer.
Well, no. Because I had been drenched in sweat in my shower with it, and I still got burned.

So. I'd like to say that I find it annoying that in the world of natural & organic products, there is very often a huge lack of "best for X hair," or "works great for X skin." Like dude, help me out a little, ok?

I am still looking for a great natural bar soap, and I know Dr. Bronner's has other scents, but honestly, after that experience, I am quite hesitant to try any others.

Any recommendations?


  1. I wish I had some suggestions for you but I don't :( I use body wash and a loofah, and the body wash depends on what Costco has, usually Dove but not always.

    1. Ooh, I used to use Dove, but it starts to irritate my skin after a while. My skin is dumb. LOL I love that you're like "whatever." I totally thought you'd use a special organic fair-trade something or other. :)

  2. I buy a special shower gel and lotion for "prickly heat" that I mostly use in Florida, but sometimes in the summer here I still get a flash of sun/heat rash and use it - it has tea tree in it I think. I also bought this powder for underboob sweat called snake powder lol it feels so cold and nice but I don't think it actually gets rid of the rash, for that I use a medicated hydrocortisone cream. I get one sweat rash that is fungal - I got it on my torso once when I was younger and lived in NYC sweaty summertime - weirdly I used to use the liquid Dr. Bronners castille soap back then too! So like yeah, now there is the sun/heat rash, and the sweat rash,two separate rashes, so I relate to the skin probs, pain in the ass! The only advice I have is shower often, like twice a day or anytime you get sweaty, try to keep the area dry but not irritated. But I know it can be impossible with a hot day and underboobs, literally last year it was so bad I stuck some diy ice packs under there for some relief!

    1. So far I haven't had a rash, (I have had in the past). Snake powder is a hilarious name for an anti-rash cream! For me, I've been sticking with the old stand-by, Dial Gold. And yeah, I sweat a lot and oh...I LOVE to let my body breathe! If I'm home and we don't have guests, I will wear just boxers and the loosest tank top so all my sweaty crinkly parts can breathe that sweet fresh air. ;)


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