Sunday Confessions: July 12, 2020

I Confess:
Omg you guys. I honestly considered taking a Klonopin after my daily fb check in, because people are stupid. I did not. But I did chug a large glass of water and screenshot some of my bitchy comments because I am so sick and tired of being nice and understanding and keeping my mouth shut and trying to see everyone else point of view and I've reached my threshold for wilful asshattery.


I Confess:
Once I'm cleared to be released back into the world, I think I am going to buy a pill organizer. Because apparently I'm a senior citizen. 

I Confess:
Medical paper masks make my nose itch, both inside and outside. This is only relevant because my supply of disposable masks at home is limited, so when I work, I use the ones provided by my employer. But the itching was so annoying.We had a few reusable ones here at home, but while they are great for short term, they aren't so great for several hours. So I ended up buying some cute ones from The Gap (online), of all places. 

I Confess:
I want to do more youtube videos (reviews and stuff), but I'm not sure if I should. I mean, the ones I do are really just for fun and my own entertainment, but at the same time, I want to entertain others and I'm not sure if others would enjoy them. Also, sometimes I find it easier to write than talk because I'm so icky about my looks. Which is the same reason I don't have a profile pic or anything on my home page. Plain 'ole insecurity. I'm much more confident than I was, but still.

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  1. Facebook is just the worst right now, isn't it??? I'm part of this girl group that a coworker added me to, mostly Lantinas, and most girls are well grounded but OMG there are too many into conspiracy theories and whackadoodle takes on what is going on with EVERYTHING.

    I'll watch whatever you choose to put on youtube :) I wish I could give you confidence! You look fine! Plus your midwestern (??) accent to your voice is interesting to me.

    My work sent me two free masks, but they look like hanes underwear :D My husband was like, why is your work sending you undies? LOLS. But at least they fit, my husband has been trying to order some for himself from various places and they are all too small for him and WAY too large for me.

    1. So, you know Hanes is actually selling masks, right? They are white, cottony like. Look like they belong on a pair of tighty-whities.

      Thank you for the enthusiasm regarding my youtube channel! I think I just need to remember that at the end of the day, my target audience is me. (And like 3 other people.)
      So going to post about the accent thing. :)


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