Goals For 2021


1.) Dentist Stuff - Again
Pricing Vincent — Little Shop of Horrors (1986)
As you might imagine, 2020 was a pretty difficult year to get to the dentist. I managed one successful visit for a cleaning and a cavity fill. But I have three more cavities that need to be filled. (All very small, but let's nip those in the bud.) 

2.) All The Blogging

So...yeah. I had this as a goal last year (and probably every year before. Let's see if 2021 is our year, eh? (To be fair, I'm in a better head space right now than I have been in the past.)

3.) Read More

Books. I'm not going to be a bookstagrammer, but I'd like to lose myself more a good story. The problem seems to be that I often abandon a book because I'm not into it. I mean, there are books that suck on an epic scale, and then there are books that are just basic crap. Apparently I'm very good at picking out crap. I just need to finish my crap. 
4.) Make All The Videos 
Tying in with my Sunday Confessions post from yesterday, I do have several ideas for videos. Possibly dumb ideas. But maybe you'll enjoy them. Some of the ideas I have: 
  • More "Let's Eat!" (More of me trying different foods.)
  • Stretching & Flexibility (A progress thing) 
  • Stupid Beauty (Various; but mostly me being ignorant about beauty stuff and playing around.)
  • Possibly One Dealing With Exercise. (Not likely, but possible.) In this one, I would mostly do something like "How I do Push-Ups" or "Fun With Balance!" That one would probably tie-in with the stretching stuff. 


Any of those sound interesting? Or seriously do not do that.


  1. I would love to watch any videos you make :) All of those sound fun!
    I meant to do more videos this year, since I did enjoy my neighbors non-flashy vlogger style videos. But i look like a hobo most days so I would have to actually, you know, try to look like a person that gives a crap before i record, ha.
    Boo for cavities! Hope you manage to get those taken care of!

    1. You don't look like a hobo, lol. I know the feeling though. Most of the time I look like a gremlin. And it's not like HD helps anything. I keep watching tons of videos about getting rid of under-eye circles and basically it's like "use foundation like spackle and get more sleep. Er....thanks?
      Fortunately my cavities are small, so it will be easy to take care of and get fixed. But still. Grrr.


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