Escape From Bloglovin'

 <Deep breath>
So. As far as I know, many of us have been using bloglovin' to follow our blogs. And recently, we've had a massive uptick in robots leaving porny commentary (not even good porny commentary) which has led to myself and at least one other person moderating ALL comments. Which for me, is actually annoying. I don't like moderating because I feel like I would only post comments I approve of, i.e., positive ones. Not that I get too many comments. It's the principle of the thing. 
So, it turns out I, at least, am super late to the "abandon bloglovin'" party, which has become basically land of the (Russian?) sex-virus-bots.

So I've done googling. At first, it appeared that Feedly was going to be the best option to migrate to. But I had an account there before and remember not liking it at all. Which was why I stuck with bloglovin'. 

But now it's time to part ways. 
I did more research.  Below, I am going to show a sort of link trail to how I ended up where I ended up.
  1. What happened to Bloglovin'? 
  2. Bloglovin' Becomes Activate 
  3. Impact Aquires Activate
If you don't want to follow the link trail, here's the breakdown: 
❖ Bloglovin' went to hell. - It was renamed & rebranded "Activate" under a new CEO. It was more specifically geared toward fashion/beauty/life style.
❖ The new generation, "Activate" was acquired by some other company, called "Impact," and it was renamed "Influence." 
❖ Influence exisits. It is there for influences in the land of fashion/beauty/style/life style, etc.

So where does that leave someone with a little blog who just wants to be able to follow other little (or big) blogs and maybe also some other rando stuff, like a news blog?

I checked out The Old Reader because I was planning to go through from what appeared easiest to what appeared hardest. 
And that's where I've landed at the current time. So far, I like it. On the opening page, it gave a short (1:36) but easy-to-follow basic instructions to get going. 
I've added all of you to my subscriptions. 
One thing I couldn't figure out was how to create a new folder for topics. Like if I want to follow a blog about recipes, or about fashion (lol), how to sort those. So I googled it and found  this page to be perfectly helpful. First it tells you how to create a new file. Scroll down and it tells you how to rename said file. (Because the normal methods like cntrl+ or right-clicking didn't work.)

Now, I know The Old Reader is well...old. But for my purposes, for right now, it's where I'm at. I have not, at this time, signed up for premium.

  *I have officially deactivated my bloglovin' account. You could still follow me there, 
but I will follow you from elsewhere.*


  1. Oh wow, I had no idea Bloglovin was bought out so many times but now that makes sense for all the sexy bots! This sounds like a weekend project for me, I follow a ton of blogs. I still think there should be like a data base for all the blogs that you can sort exactly to what you are looking for (location, genre, age, kids/no kids, etc). I know blogging is "old school" but I can't believe it's ever going to go away truly to just photos and videos on Instagram and Tik Tok.... Right?

    1. I agree there should be a data base that people can add their blogs to, and add location, age, key words, etc. Maybe your man could create that? I mean...he is computer brilliant, right?
      I don't think blogging will ever fully disappear, even if we are the dinosaurs of the internet. It might even have a come back in five or ten years, when people get nostalgic about "the simpler times" when you could just read a bit of someone's life.
      And I feel like I'm the only person alive not on Tik Tok. Oh well.

  2. It truly sucks and no one seems to care! I read this awhile ago and forgot to comment sorry but thank you for your investigation of this!

    1. Thank you for coming back to comment! I know it's not particularly technical or informative, but I do hope it helped at least a little. :)


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