Sunday Confessions: February 27, 2022


I Confess: 
I was tossing and turning in bed when  Husband came in with news that 15 minutes ago, Russia had invaded Ukraine. And I proceeded to have a panic attack. I took a Klonopin so I could get something that resembled sleep, had nightmares about war and zombies all night, woke up and proceeded to have another panic attack. 

I Confess: 
I have been in a winter hibernation brain fog for several weeks! Like, time had lost all sense of meaning and my brain was just like:


I Confess: 
It generally stays light until about 6pm here now, and that is something to celebrate! 


  1. The whole Ukraine thing is just BONKERS. Like we don't need more terrible things going on :(
    This winter has been going on for like six years I feel like.


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