Sunday Confessions: July 10, 2012

I Confess:
So, the job I got is as a Pharmacy Technician (in training). I really like it! And the Pharmacists I work with are both awesome. There is so much I wish I could write about and can't right now because I'm just too tired and neurotic to unwrap it all. None of it is privacy-violating type stuff. More like "Why am I like this?" kind of stuff.

I Confess:
Some months ago, we received a random wedding invitation from some couple down state. Shawn and I were both like "I have no idea who either of these people are?" I mean, congratulations on your marriage, random bride & groom we've never met. But who are you people?"

We googled and checked both our social media and neither of us could identify the couple.
Fast forward a handful of months and I'm visiting with my dad and he's like "Yeah, me and Carol were down state for a my niece's wedding. Your cousin. You were invited." 

I Confess:
I've been working 50 hours a week and today is the first day in several weeks where I not only have the day off, but I have zero obligations. Yay!


  1. I was thinking the wedding invite was from someone with the same last name but not actually part of your social circle! Some people do that with the hope that people just send a random (monetary) gift to offset the cost of sending invites, ha. Though I've only heard of that happening with graduations, not weddings.

    Yay for new job and liking it! But boo on the 50 hours, that's so many!!!

    1. Yeah, turning out to be a cousin I've never met? Or have but if I did we were kids? LOL I felt bad when I found out, but only a little.

      I am finding balance in my new job but it is definitely a challenge. I'm not great at stuff like that. At least I like it. Are you still enjoying your "newish" job at the law firm?


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