Sunday Confessions: July 24, 2022


I Confess:
I am waiting for my insurance card in the mail and I feel like it's been forever.

I Confess:
The Battle of the Cat Hair is lost. Our boys are shed machines. I surrender.
Tired Giving Up GIF 
I Confess:
No, seriously. My apartment is just trashed. I would be super embarrassed to have anyone drop by right now.  

I Confess: 
I enjoy TikTok, but at the same time, it makes me hate people. 

I Confess:
I had to surrender and go to the doctor and I came out with a double ear infection, sinus infections, and UTI. I am on a 10-day course of antibiotics and I just get very fed up with being sick.


  1. I have five cats shedding like nobody's business 24/7. My cat MiSu now likes to be brushed in the bathroom/shower before I turn the water on... and no matter how much I think I gathered up all her fur... As soon as I turn on the water it's a tornado of cat fur that flies up that then gets matted all gross on the drain. SO much fur, so much dander... it's an allergy nightmare in my house.

    DOUBLE EAR INFECTION! Plus the sinus and a UTI??? Why does your body hate you!

    TikTok can be trash, but I try my best to let the algorithm know that I want videos like the lady putting a traffic cone hat on her sea anemone or about 10000 dollar tassels being sent to the medieval peasant guy I follow, or the lady that has a raccoon day care set up in her backyard.


    1. I am definitely finding that the more I use TikTok, the more the algorithm knows what I do and don't want. Mostly.
      My body. Just. A whole other blog post.
      CAT FUR! Such a losing battle and such an allergy trap! It's like a full time job on its own, trying to keep a place with cats clean. :) Although it is adorable that MiSu wants to be brushed right before your shower. :D


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