Sunday Confessions: September 22, 2019

I Confess: I have been considering doing a review of the Halloween movies, but I'm not sure if anyone would be interested in such a thing? Let me know?

I Confess: I have SO MANY posts to put up. Some of them aren't even full drafts yet, just titles or bits of a post. I need to get my ass in gear, but some of them must wait because I'm still waiting on more information. Maybe.

I Confess: I am finally back at work after being off for so long and I am thrilled, because I was going stir crazy and also not feeling like I was contributing anything was obnoxious and also, money. So I'm only allowed 3 or 4 four-hour shifts a week, but that is something, and I'm glad.


  1. I enjoy your movie reviews, even if they are movies I haven't seen/won't see.
    Yay for back to work!

    1. So maybe no one else is interested, but I'm totally doing the Halloween retrospective now. And yeah, so glad to be back at work.

  2. I like the Halloween movies (I still have to see the last couple), I would read that! I am sitting on like three or four posts that I just can't bring myself to publish right now. And I can't be bothered writing anything else. Congrats on getting back to work, glad you are taking it at your own pace too. xo

    1. I will end up doing the Halloween series reviews next year (barring complications). I get it. I have posts I sit on because I just can't finish them or I don't know if I can share or whatever reason. If you ever want to talk and don't want to post, you can always email me. :)


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