Sunday Confessions: January 24, 2021





I Confess: 
I've been going back to my roots and listening to a lot of country music lately. No reason, just random. 
I Confess: 
My new washing machine is coming on Monday and I'm more excited for that than I have been for anything in I don't know how long. My word. A full month down to the day without a working washing machine and having to bum off friends and family. I'm just so looking forward to being able to toss a load in whenever I want.   

I Confess: 
For a Christmas surprise, Husband went to one of those places online where you give them a photo and they turn it into an art canvas for you. Well, he had one made of one of my favorite pictures of Isabelle. And the thing is, it gives me comfort to see it when I come home from work, or when I'm messing around on the computer and glance up and see it, or whenever, really. That's how attached to my baby girl I was/am. On a shelf in my living room, I have a 5x7 framed photo of my mom laughing. On my dining room wall, I have a 36x24 canvas print of my kitty. I still talk to them both. 


  1. It's a beautiful photo! What a wonderful gift! I've been toying with the idea of trying to paint something of all my cats but I've only painted one thing in my life and that project feels too ambitious for my current skill set, lols.
    Not having access to a washer/dryer is the WORST. I love that I don't have to worry about going to a laundromat, or not having enough quarters... When I was living in my low income apartment way back when, I would wash most of my items as "delicates" in my bathtub and hang dry. I didn't have many clothes anyways, and most were skirts and dresses. But I wonder now if I ever smelled weird or musty, ha.

    1. Ugh. I HATED sharing pay laundry with seven other apartments! Ugh. I seriously doubt you stank, lol. :D


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