Sunday Confessions: January 31, 2021


I Confess: 
I checked out a book from the library on dialectical behavior therapy to overcome emotional eating/overeating. Well, I haven't checked it out YET. Tomorrow. But I'm weirdly excited to read it, even though I know from experience that dialectical behavior therapy is HARD, yo. Still. I need to try.

I Confess: 
I tell myself to write. I love writing. And yet, lately, I just haven't been feeling it. Hmmm. Writing is a part of self-value, for me. Which is not something that comes easily. Instead, I've spent all day today binge-watching "The Glades" on Hulu. Have you guys watched that? I do enjoy myself some ridiculousoh-my-god-that-would-never-happen! TV shows. 

I Confess: 
There are some movies I want to review but I have been hesitant to, because I cannot give them a grade. Or at least, not one single grade. So I'm thinking of doing a thing where I leave films either ungraded (which I would put in the space where I'd normally grade them) or maybe make notes. What do you think? Is that too much of a cop-out? I mean, this is my tiny blog that three people read. It's not like I'm a professional reviewer. 

1 comment

  1. I hadn't heard of dialectical behavior therapy before. Hope the book is useful to you!

    I've been having a hard time doing the things I enjoy too, not sure if winter doldrums or quarantine fatigue or what.

    For your ungradable movies, maybe just have new grading categories? I'm not sure how that would work. Or break it down by what is being graded: plot/acting/entertainment value?


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