Sunday Confessions: April 11, 2021



I Confess: 
Why have I been an absentee blogger? Or more accurately, an absentee adult? 
A deep depressive spiral that wound up with me being put on medical leave for several weeks, multiple med changes, multiple appointments with my psychiatrist each week (like, I had to have one or two in-person appointments each week, along with video call check-ins three days a week). I will probably write a little post more about what was happening, but suffice to say, my mental health has improved from where it was, though I am still struggling with some things. But even those things I struggle with, I am better than I was. 
I Confess: 
After the whole depression fiasco, I was back at work for a couple weeks. I wanted to be on blogger and internet and such, but I was spending my time getting back into the groove of work and also practicing the skills I had learned over the many appointments with my shrink and also the multiple books she loaned me about boundaries and self-awareness. So I was really just focusing on myself and making my mental health a priority. 
And then the pain in my left ovary area flared up really bad and per my GP's advice, I ended up in the ER. Where of course they couldn't find anything wrong with any of my reproductive organs. There is more to this, but that's a post in itself.

I Confess:
I am super glad to be back in the blog-o-sphere, and I had to clean out my email boxes - both accounts had like, 500 emails to delete. And fucking Yankee Candle, man! You'd think they were pushing heroine or something. 

I Confess: 
I'm sorry I don't have a better post/SC for my first post back. 


  1. Don't apologize for any content you put out, you put out what you put out when you can and want to and that is good enough :)
    I'm so sorry to hear about the depression, but that's awesome you were proactive about it with meds and therapy. I've also been going through my own mental health stuff but I think it's mostly due to being cooped up in the same house for over a year and not seeing any friends or family. And my job. I will make a post to touch on that eventually.
    But yay, you are back :)

    1. I am sorry to hear you are having issues with the mental health stuff, but also you know you can always DM/email/text whatever me. I think the being cooped up is starting to REALLY wear on at-home workers. Like to the point of just...beyond exhaustion. Do you guys have an end in sight? MI was supposed to end this week but it got extended another six months in light of everything happening here.


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