Winter Goals Update


How did I do on my goals for winter 2022? 

1.) Getting Neptune Desexed:
Not done. It was going to be done when we thought she was a girl, but apparently boys have to be older to prevent urethra troubles. So we are waiting one more month or so. 

2.) Getting Our Bankruptcy Finalized: 
Not done yet. NEARLY. Couple weeks away. There was a bunch of end-stage paperwork that had to be updated and more blah-blah-blah. It's always something. 

3.) Write More: 


4.) Organize My Digital Photos:
90% done. It has been such a huge project organizing thousands of pics. But I'm working on it and I'm mostly done. 

5.) Import Documents From Open Office: 
Success! I completed this task 100%. Yay. Got something done. 

So all in all, not great. But could've been worse. 


  1. Winter doldrums are real. And I don't even live somewhere with an actual winter. I'm very tired of being cold. So today it was warm and sunny and I bought a banana plant. I don't think this one is supposed to actually make bananas, more of an ornamental type. Let's hope it's will to live is stronger than my track record of killing plants.

    1. Ooh, fun! The older I get, the more sensitive I get to winter doldrums. Good luck with the banana plant! :)

  2. Wow, that photo project sounds impressive! My digital crap is so disorganized, and I think one email account has like a million unread emails, ha.
    I'm sure once the bankruptcy stuff is done you will feel a million times better!

    1. Digital stuff is so helpful in so many ways, but it's so EASY to just sort of dump and leave it. And it builds up SO FAST!!! Shawn was cleaning out his email and he STILL has 800 unsorted. Like, dude.


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