Goals: For my 40's


Oh lord. There is so much I want to do. 
I will try to organize these as best I can, but many of them fall into multiple sections. 
⬥ See The Killers in concert
⬥ See Red Hot Chili Peppers in concert


⬥ Go camping in the U.P. 
⬥ Vacation in Southern California to visit my aunts & do all the touristy stuff.
⬥ Visit San Jose area
⬥ Go on a girl's trip with some blogger friends. I don't really care where to. 
⬥ Have an old-fashioned road trip out west with the husband. 
⬥ See Jim Gaffigan live again.

⬥ Get my carpal tunnel syndrome repaired.
⬥ Get the pinched nerves in my elbows repaired.

⬥ Get my posture repaired/fixed/improved.
⬥ Get my tattoo work done. (It's not looking like this will be the year.)
⬥ Jog a mile. Okay, this is a bit less important for me. It's a sort-of guideline for the work to improve my pulmonary & cardiovascular health. 
⬥ Figure out the answer to my thinning hair & resolve. Even if requires transplant surgery down the road.
⬥ Get a breast reduction. This one is iffy and definitely a few years out. Because I am actively working to lose weight, it's important to get to a stable, healthy weight and maintain it for a period of time before assessing whether reduction is still a good option.

⬥ Lower my size to somewhere like 10/12 ish. I don't have a specific goal weight in mind, although the numbers are there in my head sort of loosey-goosey, I also know that realistically, I do not have the frame to be a size 6. But back when I was size 10/12 ish, I felt pretty decent for the most part. I care more about being healthy and feeling good than about specific numbers. 
⬥ Get a hearing aid. If you want to be absolutely technical, I could get one for each ear. But I'd be down with at least just getting one for my right ear.


⬥ Learn to swim. I'd like to find and take an adult introductory swimming class. 
⬥ Learn Spanish. I don't expect to be fluent, but I'd like to have more conversational skills. 
⬥ Build a nest egg. For many reasons, some our own fault and some beyond our control, (my health playing a major factor), the husband and I continue to live hand-to-mouth. And I'm so over it. 
⬥ Get THE JOB. If you read my Spring/Summer 2022 Goals post, you'll know what job I'm talking about. As I write this, I am hoping for it to come to fruition in - yes - Spring/Summer 2022, but there's no guarantee and it is a BIG GOAL. 
I'm sure I'm missing a bunch, but that's what I've got for now.


  1. Love the Swedish Chef gif, he's one of my favorite Muppets with his creepy real people hands, ha!

    A blogger trip SOMEWHERE would be awesome! I can reveal my in real life shy/awkwardness tomato red blushing from anxiety, lols. FUN. But honestly though, add me to the guest list :)

    You would think my Spanish would be much better considering where I live, but all I know are basic verbs and nouns. The only coherent sentence I can string together is where is the library. Though I do use "donde esta" as a question (where is it) on it's own. I cannot roll an r to save my life.

    I can't really swim swim, but I can tread water and float kinda. I never got the hang of trying to BREATH while doing the breast stroke, the idea of getting water in my lungs is terrifying so I would just try to hold my breath the whole way. You've got your arms, legs, head turning/breathing all to consider all at once, oy.

    1. I am the same - can kinda tread water/float. I LOVE being in the water - just not water over my head!
      The blogger trip mention was totally about you & possibly others or you could bring your sister or friends or whatever. But definitely some kind of girls trip including us.
      I adore Swedish Chef and often hear his voice in my head. Hurgin Blurgen! I don't know. Weirdness abounds. But that was one of the gifs that came up when I searched for "melons" (not the original gif I was looking for) and it cracked me up, so... Glad you enjoyed it! :)


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