Halloween Font: Blood Crow



Day by day, I feed the birds. I have fed them for years. The front yard is for Cardinals, Robins, Purple Martins. These beautiful birds dance about, singing their bright songs and flashing their plumage.
There is a spot on the side of my house, where a door leads from my kitchen to a cracked stone step down to the grass. This is where the Mourning Doves gather to have their secret conversations, often seeming to be in a world of their own. In the back yard, this is where the Ravens go. This is where the Crows come. This is where I sit and sip my tea. I watch them watching me. They regard all others with a dark, unblinking eye. The Crows have brought me precious gifts: a button; several rocks; a bent, ancient nail. Sometimes, when they bring these treasures, if I have been sitting still for a great deal of time, lost in the pages of a book I've read before, they drop their offerings into my tea cup. A metal bead will fall with a splash and a gloop! as  it sinks to the bottom, adding an extra bit of flavor.
Recently there has been quite a ruckus nearby. I can hear the grumbling echoes of bulldozers tearing down the forest to make room for some abomination or another. It makes me restless, my chest tight, to hear the constant noise over the symphony of birds. 

For the past several days, the crows have have bequeathed to me their most valuable finds. A lock of hair; a bit of finger; a thick, heavy ring which left a satisfying thunk on the bottom of my porcelain mug. Yesterday, one of my beauties presented me with a perfectly round eye, blood-red nerves dangling from the still warm orb. 

There is no noise today.







I hope you enjoyed the story that accompanied this font.

Blood Crow is pictured at 48pt 

Click the image to go to link & download.



  1. So many questions! Did you create that font? The story? I love both!

    1. Thank you! (Blush) I did not create that font. (If you wanted to download it, you can click the image to go to where to get it.) I did write the story.


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